Downtown San Diego East Village Car Rental

Location Details for Downtown San Diego East Village

Location Details


Renting a Car at Downtown San Diego East Village

Information for Renting a Car in San Diego

This car rental branch is located in the Downtown San Diego area near the intersection of 9th and F Street. Parking is available underground. Temporary parking is available in front or across from rental location. 9th Street is one way. The branch underground parking lot is located off 9th street. It’s located on the right side heading south. Please park only in Enterprise marked locations.

Areas Serviced

Downtown San Diego, Gaslamp, Hillcrest, East Village, Golden Hill, Golden Heights, South Park, Grant Hill

Places of Interest

Los Angeles – approximately a 2 hour drive
Palm Springs – approximately a 2.5 hour drive
Las Vegas – approximately a 5 hour drive

Driving in San Diego

Rush hour traffic is heaviest from 4-6 pm

Nearby Attractions

San Diego Air & Space Museum, San Diego Zoo, SeaWorld